
January | 2013 | YAY! it's Andrew!

Kill Screen and OUYA recently teamed up to offer a game jam for the OUYA console called the CREATE contest. We had roughly ten days to jam out a game and submit it to the judges.

Here is a video with an overview of my game.

I thought it would be nice to do a little post-mortem on getting this game up and running on the OUYA in such a short time frame.

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What is mid-core? Defining this buzzword is a hot topic in the games industry. Here’s my favorite definition which I have honed through multiple talks with other developers.

Mid-core is a movement to create games using a balance of meaningful gameplay and broad accessibility.

Mid-core is more than a buzzword — it’s the natural evolution of games! It’s a movement. Hardcore games have some of the most memorable gameplay moments in existence but many contain large barriers of entry that seriously limit their audience. Social and casual games have the opposite problem. They are great at getting players to where the fun is and they do it as smoothly as possible, but keeping players there is difficult because the concepts are overly simplistic or exploitative. There exists something in the middle of these two extremes and this is the place mid-core aims to take us. But where exactly?
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